About Sea Fog Media

We're on a Mission

We build magnetic brands and captivating websites.

When you hire individually for branding, websites and marketing, it creates madness in your digital business, leaving it disjointed & unaligned. At Sea Fog Media, we’re creating the next generation of virtual experiences for innovative companies looking to create more culture with a fresh, seamless and integrated solution that will delight customers and your staff.

By hiring us, you’ll get an awesome website that sells your products and positions you as a leader in your industry.

Jen Weatherly

UX Designer and Storyteller

Inside my world of artistry and energy, I create designs for creatives, coaches and leaders that expresses their company’s energy. I focus on developing a brand story and all visual elements materialize from there. My signature brand discovery process will feel like a business therapy session that creates crystal clear direction and confidence.

In 2014, I attended the Web Technologies program at BCIT and immediately started making websites. My natural empathy for people drew me toward human-centered design and storytelling.  Blending connection, technology and art into a medium all to it’s own.

I look forward to meeting with you to discuss your project ideas.

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